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We did it! Eight full weeks of organizing our homes. I loved this series. It has really helped me get our home organized in smart, effective ways. So, to wrap it all up, we’ve written this gigantic post with all of the organizing solutions we’ve shared over the last 8 weeks and links to …

Read More about 175+ Organizing Solutions for your Home

Welcome to our very last week of the 8-Week Organizing Challenge! As Lora mentioned yesterday, our topic for the last week is organizing mail and paper clutter. Today I’m going to share with you some ideas for ways that you can organize all those magazines, bills, and important papers that come into your home.  First …

Read More about 13 Ideas to Organize Mail and Paper Clutter

How is everyone doing with organizing their laundry rooms?  If you missed Lora’s post from yesterday, go check it out, it’s full of great ideas!  Today I’m going to share how I’ve organized my small laundry area.  Here is what it looks like: To keep items organized, I use an IKEA white metal shelf (similar) …

Read More about A Colorful, Organized Laundry Room

This week our organizing challenge is the laundry room. I’ve already got started collecting a few items for our laundry closet — including a plan to sort out some of the items that are already sitting in that space. I’ll share more about it in a few days; but for today I’m going to share …

Read More about 8-Week Organizing Challenge // Laundry Room

We are getting close to the end of our 8-Week Organizing challenge — only 2 weeks left! How have you been doing? I’ll be honest, last week was a tough project for me! You’d think that painting and organizing a hall closet or pantry would be a bigger undertaking, but I think photo organization can …

Read More about How to Organize Digital Photos with iPhoto

Lora and I both made a little progress on our bathrooms last week. I organized my linens and Lora shared some simple organizational tips that will work in her old and new bathroom. How did you do in your bathrooms? Are you ready for another week of organizing?  This week in our 8-Week Organizing Challenge, …

Read More about 11+ Ideas to Organize Photos and Albums

Did you find a closet or cabinet to organize last week? Erica worked on her bedroom closet and I tackled a hall closet. This week’s topic is another small space — our bathrooms! Even though bathrooms are often smaller spaces, they are workhorses, right? We spend time every day using our bathrooms, needing them to …

Read More about 7 Ideas to Organize a Bathroom

Have you been working on organizing a closet or cabinet this week?  If you missed Lora’s post on Monday, check it out here, it’s full of great inspiration for this week’s topic! This week I worked on organizing my messy closet.  The closet was unorganized and filled with clothes from previous seasons and items that …

Read More about 5 Quick Ideas to Organize a Closet

For some reason our blog posts have been acting a little out of whack — this post from a couple weeks ago is showing as posted just two days ago. The same thing happened with another post several weeks ago too. Have any other blogspot/blogger users seen this happen? The actual post on Saturday was …

Read More about 8-Week Organizing Challenge // Closets and Cabinets