Welcome to this week’s special Birthday edition of Kick-Off Friday! In celebration of our first birthday, Lora and I are sharing with you 5 things that personally inspire each of us! So scroll on down and learn more about what makes each of us…well…us!
Lora Says…
1. Flower Patch Farmgirl inspires me to be willing to live life differently and go. Best daily read in my feed, hands down.
2. I love to see what AJ Wears. She doesn’t take herself too seriously and inspires me to have fun with outfits. I need some rain boots.
3. Ashley Ann inspires me to document the little stuff and the big stuff and to be a part of it too.
4. Gretchen inspires me to use humor in my writing. I probably actually laugh out loud at something she says writes several times a week. I especially enjoyed her example of perspective using the Cookie Monster.
5. Jen’s projects are always beautiful, functional, and full of color. She shares simple projects like this or this, and it just inspires me to want to craft something right away.
Erica Says…
1. Polka Dots have always been a favorite of mine, they are so classic and seriously just make me smile! Here are some of my favorite ways to decorate with polka dots:

2. Gold & Glitter…I guess you could say I’m a sucker for all things sparkly!

3. Leadership Books inspire me to personally develop myself to become a better leader within my professional career and my community. I recently completed a leadership development program and read some great books like this one.
4. Kate Spade….I mean really, what girl doesn’t love the feminine looks of Kate Spade?!? Too bad it’s sooo out of my price range, but a girl can dream right?
5. Young House Love inspires me to be more organized and tackle projects faster. I’m amazed about how many projects they complete in one week! Lora and I even love YHL so much we participated in their Totally Unofficial Macklemore Thrift Shop Challenge, check it out here.
Now it’s your turn! Share in the comments below about what inspires you–we would love to get to know our readers more!
Looking Back on 2013 – Craftivity Designs
Monday 4th of October 2021
[…] Birthday Celebration […]